Öko Ref - 13. Meeting am 06.10.2022 14:00

Tagesordnung - Details
  • TOP 1: Action Day: Reordering the dumpsters in MI Building (Yordan Toshev, toshev@fs.tum.de):

     As decided during the 11th meeting, we are going to meet and reorder the dumpsters in the MI Building, in a more sense making way. Afterwards we will talk about the general future of the unit and what cool projects can be done in future.

  • TOP 2: Schools Umstellung (Yordan Toshev, toshev@fs.tum.de):

    Wie soll die Referatsarbeit innerhalb der neuen School Struktur aussehen?

  • TOP 3: Misc

Von: Do 06.10.2022 14:00
Bis: Do 06.10.2022 16:00
Raum: MI Foyer
Sitzungsleitung: Yordan Toshev
Protokollant*innen: Yordan Toshev
Protokoll: HTML PDF TXT
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