special meeting: elections am 24.05.2021 18:30

Tagesordnung - Details
  • TOP 1: Welcome & Fromalities (Oliver Zillig, oliver.zillig@fs.tum.de)

  • TOP 2: Fachschaft elections: Q&A (Oliver Zillig, zillig@fs.tum.de):

    On Monday, 24 May, there will be a information session in the evening!
    There, you can ask questions and you will be given a general overview. In the end of the session, which will start at 18:30, we will hand out the official participation document, so please try to attend
    See you then!
    P.S.: feel free to share and promote working with the Fachschaft with your friends, so they join, too!

  • TOP 3: Sonstiges

Zeit: Mo 24.05.2021 18:30
Raum: https://tum-conf.zoom.us/j/94180896160?pwd=SUk1SzBPYUkyWmd6Mm12eDlYUi8yUT09 Meeting-ID: 941 8089 6160 Kenncode: 723624
Sitzungsleitung: Oliver Zillig
Protokollant*innen: Kein/e Protokollant/in bestimmt
Protokoll: noch nicht verfügbar
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